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Ease Your Stress During the Holidays

As the holidays approach so does the stress of getting all in order. Project deadlines at work are pending, getting the house in order for the festivities become a reality, and finding those special gifts for those that you love become an often daunting task.

Stress starts to escalate and many people become overwhelmed which is very unfortunate since the holidays should be a time for you to enjoy the moments to the fullest. Optimistic self-reflection is the key. Take a deep breath and re-center yourself, keep things in perspective, and remember what the holidays are all about.

I usually recommend to my clients that this is a time to reflect on the positive milestones that they have achieved throughout the year. Celebrate those achievements, and look forward to new beginnings, new goals, that will help you to thrive as a person with much to give.

To help you cope better, be organized, get out your list and prioritize, then you will have a plan of action that will make things easier to manage. Then, be sure to take time to eat properly, including a balance of healthy carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats at your meals. This will foster stable blood sugars, which is best for helping your body cope with stress and depression.

Be sure to eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, mandarins, strawberries, tomatoes, and kiwis. Vitamin C is well known to regulate stress hormones, and ease anxiety. Side benefit is that it will boost your immunity.

Also, top up on dairy foods such as Greek Yogurt with probiotics. The naturally occurring calcium will help to counter stress in the body.

Don't forget your whole grains and green vegetables, rich sources of dietary magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps with many enzyme reactions in the body, specifically those reactions linked to producing more feel good brain chemicals. Studies show that this mineral plays a key role for treating clinical depression and anxiety. It has a naturally calming effect on the body and mind.

So to keep the holiday stressors at bay follow these simple lifestyle steps and you will be enjoying the holidays with a smile on your face and a sense of holiday cheer.

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